I have been in the air a lot recently. Trips to the south and the west of our beautiful nation have prompted me to think about when and where along the journey I best enjoy closing my eyes for a short, sweet snooze. I personally love to get in a short nap right before takeoff and landing (or as you’ve learned now through these posts, a 2x20).

Before Takeoff
Those few (or more) minutes of taxiing on the runway, the soft hum of the airplane, and my kids already plugged in to their laptop watching their first movie, it’s a great way to calm my nerves and set the tone for a long flight in the air.
The Flight
While I’m in the air I generally like to be awake and take advantage of the few hours with no emails, texts, or phone calls. The nap during takeoff sets me up to feel fresh to read my book or watch a movie throughout the flight.
Before Landing
I’m a pretty voracious reader, so after spending some time with my favorite authors I can get a bit drowsy. I try to keep an eye on the flight tracker and get another twenty minute snooze in before they turn on all the lights and prepare us for landing. Timing there is key, because if I wait too long there’s really too much hubbub on the flight to properly get in a quality nap along the way.
Safe and sleepy travels all!