First (but not last) post from Henrietta, creator of the TAE Nap Room and proud member of the TND family!
The subject of napping comes up often in our conversations, mainly because we are so keen to evangelize and promote the benefits. We always get a series of thoughtful questions on the how/when/where of napping. While these are critical to one’s napping experience, the most important question to ask is why. Why are you napping? What is the goal, the mindset, the motivation for taking this precious time from the only 24 hours we have each day, and choose to close your eyes and drift into a peaceful, albeit time-constrained, slumber?

There’s no bad reason to nap. A nap isn’t a symbol of laziness, far from it. But it’s also not necessarily about being tired, although that’s a perfectly good reason to partake. At its core, we believe a nap is about owning your personal time and making a conscious decision on using it productively. In practice, to fall into the peaceful slumber, in a short window, one must quickly calm the swirling thoughts that would prevent that sleep. What better way to reset after a difficult morning in advance of a busy afternoon. Or to center the mind for an upcoming call or meeting. Or take a break from your errands or daily agenda without turning on a screen and zoning off to it.
Find the motivation for that day’s nap and the execution will become clear, because each motivation will generate a different set-up to foster the perfect nap for the goal you hope to achieve.