I Find I’m So Excited I Can Barely Sit Still or Hold a Thought In My Head
I think it’s the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain
As you can probably tell, we here at TND really like each other and love spending time together. Life has taken us in different directions geographically, so we’re not able to be together in person as much as we might like — that said, we’re not that far from one another, so we do find ways to get together from time to time, often for special life moments and sometimes just for fun. Today is a bit of both.
It was the spring of 1998. I was a high school senior in suburban Philadelphia. Evan was a freshman at Brandeis in suburban Boston. Hen was living and studying in Israel. Unbeknownst to the three of us, a series of seemingly random events would bring us together in mere months. One such event was the release of The Big Lebowski, a movie that continues to impact our lives, as recently evidenced by our Uli Doesn’t Care series (hard to believe that was January!).

I provide this background because it’s actually an in-person screening of Lebowski that’s bringing together the TND crew and a few of our closest friends, as well as Bunsen’s buddy Jeffrey (I’m not talkin’ about the Dude here). I actually may have met and hung out with him in our salad days — either way, looking forward making lots of Get Him To the Greek jokes that nobody else will get.
Too excited to lose consh but did lie down. Here we go!
The Jeffrey shoutout! Can’t wait my man.