Where were we? Oh yes, scalp scraping. Had you had asked five-year old me if I could have imagined analyzing scalp scraping for a nap blog in 38 years, five-year old me would have screamed “stranger danger” at the top of his lungs, because why were you asking a five-year old boy you don’t know any questions. But here we are.
The thing about the pins is it’s a little like an Indian Burn [Ed.: I promised not to edit this — with that, even were I not an oath keeper (and I’m talking about the cheesy nickname Brienne of Tarth gave Jamie Lannister, not the abhorrent Oath Keepers, not that we get into politics here at TND), I also am not sure of a pithy, non-PC way of describing this]. You know, where someone twists the skin of your arm in different directions. It hurts…but then you get used to it…and then you want them to do it again.
Lying down on the mat, a few things become noticeable. First, once you are down, you don’t want to move. There’s a certain comfort in the pins digging in to wherever they’ve settled, and you don’t want to rearrange and have them start over. You also physically can’t turn on your side, or flop around — it’s a small mat, and to stay on it, you are nearly forced to lay still. That calmness — nowhere to go, no other position to maneuver into — seeps in to your psyche. Third, any concentration on the burning, tingling sensation is concentration not being spent on what you left outside your napping time — work, kids, school, meal prep, shopping lists, song stuck in your head.
It’s not ideal for elongated couch naps…but no movement or extraneous thoughts is especially important for dropping a 20, or my increasingly preferred, 15.