It’s finally here! National Napping Day 2023. We’ve been waiting for this day for a while — our whole lives, in a way. We’ve been talking about how best to approach it, this most cherished of days, and we’ve decided to keep it short and sweet.

From our family to yours, we wanted to wish everybody a Happy Napping Day! We appreciate all of your time, attention, and support, and wish everybody a solid nap to shake off your case of the Daylight Savings Time Mondays.
Naturally, we celebrated with napping: Hen knocked out 40 or so (10+30), Matt bagged 60 (30x2), and Evan squeezed in a 20 — a trifecta, the only way to do it on NND! Hen worked in some time on the acupuncture mat, Matt had a long workout (and short foot bath) before going under, and Evan rocked a classic couch nap — all of us lost consh, a Happy NND indeed!