OK, I officially see three stars in the sky and can send this post to share that the TND team has decided that from here on out, we’re not going to post on Saturdays. The Jewish day of rest runs from sundown Friday through sundown Saturday, and while our levels of religious observance vary, we all appreciate the concept of a day of rest and, in particular, the Shabbos nap, which is a thing — more on that later. So not posting on Saturdays seems in keeping with the spirit of this Substack.
Today was not a trifecta, but Hen managed to bag two naps for the rest of us sinners — pretty phenomenal execution, I’m hoping he regales you all with the story before long. I shut my eyes for a few minutes and took some deep breaths but wouldn’t call that a nap — also more later on the difference between napping and meditation, not that that was necessarily a meditation (will prob touch on that at some point as well — I’ve been meditating off and on for over 20 years and have thoughts on meditation, naps, life, the universe, and everything…in a nutshell, 42).
May tomorrow bring a trifecta — nap on, y’all!