By now, it shouldn’t surprise anyone to know that we at TND love napping. Seriously, we love it. I mean, who doesn’t, right? Well, some people don’t love it, and as outlandish as that may sound to some, I believe their reasons are entirely legitimate.
While we’re here to celebrate, glorify, extol, and encourage napping in all its forms, we want to respect those who don’t like it and would never want to invalidate their feelings, unlike many napping haters out there who don’t extend the same courtesy to the nap lovers of the world (Hen plans on addressing some of these criticisms at a later date).
I’m going to end today’s post here. Why so short, you ask? Well, it’s because I’m currently grappling with one of the most common napping pitfalls: post-nap grogginess. More to come on that when I’m less cranky.