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A wise person once said threes are somehow significant in writing, so here are three reasons to subscribe to this Substack:


Learn a thing or two and perhaps chuckle or at least smirk.


250 words per day, max. Manageable to read, manageable to write. Let’s all gain a feeling of accomplishment — who doesn’t love a good confidence builder?

Small but Mighty Community

Be part of a small but mighty community of people who share a passion for all things napping and napping-adjacent.

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250 words a day (max) on all things napping and napping-adjacent no rights asserted as to any image included here


Semi-professional napper. Music lover and occasional creator. Highly curious. Recovering attorney. Corporate refugee.
rabbi, writer, napper.
Napping longer than you have
Liz Lemon: How do you sleep at night, Jack? Jack Donaghy: I don't. I take thousands of micro-naps during the day.
Science and napping and more science
Septuagenarian loving to Nap.
Don't blame lazy people. They didn't do anything.
One-time technologist, current full-time sports publisher and part-time napper. Can be found writing every day about the Cleveland Browns at TheOBR.com.
I'm a silly goose.
I find it very difficult to comply with the 250 word limit.