You guys, I’ve been in a rut. Most days, I’ve been able to block some amount of time to lie down with my eyes closed, but for most of last week, I was unable to lose consh — and I was terribly vexed. But should I have been?

We’ve touched on this before:
Hotly debated, but we ultimately say you don’t have to lose consciousness for an eyes-closed session to constitute a nap. That said, a nap is almost always better with loss of consh.
On the principle of evangelizing naps, we’d rather be definitionally overinclusive (i.e., it’s a nap, even if you don’t lose consh). But personally, whether I describe “lying down, closing my eyes, and staying there for some period of time without losing consh” as a nap, has everything to do with intention.
If I lie down, close my eyes, and lose consh, I’m napping, regardless of whether I intended to lose consh. We can split hairs on length of time and napping vs. sleeping, but either way, we’re in the same ballpark. But if I lie down, close my eyes, and do not lose consh, I most likely would not call this a nap because I almost always intend to lose consh when I lie down and close my eyes. “It didn’t take,” I say to the fellas. And they understand.
I did finally have some light loss of consh this Friday. “Back on the upswing!!!” said Hen. It sure felt that way.