What better way to come back from an unplanned/unannounced/multi-week hiatus from daily posting than with a post from out of nowhere? Go, Hen, go!
Are we back? So it seems! Will we have another post tomorrow? I really don’t know, I guess you’ll have to stay tuned!
I’ve often been referred to as a napping “God.”1 That’s a generous observation, but I think a little overdone. “Wunderkind” or “Super Guru” maybe, but “God?” Can’t be. And if ever I needed a reminder of my supreme but not limitless abilities, it has been these past few weeks. Ever since the “mental exhaustion” nap last referenced, I have really struggled to achieve the calming, soothing, restorative shuteye that I both espouse and self administer.
My mind races uncontrollably, the hamster wheel generating so much movement it could power a mid sized city. Even the back up plan — some quiet reflective rest without the actual loss of consh — hasn’t been achieved.
There’s been no break from the news or the domino effects thereof. Necessary, constant, important reminders of what we are facing abound and reach everywhere. The Eldest’s hockey game2 is delayed at the start with the recitation of Psalms and a prayer for the hostages. An absolutely joyous Bar Mitzvah celebration for Evan’s son came close to providing full respite. But the day was of course marked with tributes to our missing and killed brothers and sisters.
It gives me such happiness to nap, I have even started to wonder if my brain is intentionally preventing me from finding that reservoir of happiness when others are suffering so greatly. And yet I am reminded that I can’t be my best self, for others, without finding inward peace. So with that, I will keep trying.
It’s possible I dreamt this in a nap.
Go Storm! 2-0 win in Game 1 of the season!