Before we begin today, I have to wish the happiest of birthdays to our favorite septuagenarian, the President himself, ! I know you whooped ’s butt on the golf course this morning and won’t believe anything to the contrary that I hear from him!
You may not know this, but Denver’s weather can be temperamental. Mere hours after the sunny daytime Gizz show, pounding rain delayed the start of their second show and forced us indoors to wait out the weather.12 It was here that I saw something…remarkable.
We were among the Gizz fans who had the foresight and patience to find the spacious high school gym-like room in the depths of the Red Rocks Visitor Center. Once there, we had an indeterminate amount of time on our hands: how to spend it? Like most in the room, we chatted. Like some in the room, we sat. I suggested that Grizz conduct a room-wide napping survey in the spirit of science and providing fodder for a future TND post. He respectfully declined.
But one guy…one precocious twentysomething — perhaps a TND reader? — did something…amazing.

He just went for it: brazenly napping in public for all to see. Look at him! Belly hanging out and all! What a pioneer! What an inspiration! Look at the others in the background following his lead! Can you blame them? I, for one, could not…

While I did have some restorative eyes-closed moments that Thursday,34 I found myself unable to lose consh in my hour of greatest need. Fortunately, I had a remarkable napping day on Friday:5 I broke new ground. I did something I’ve been wanting to do for months, if not years, if not my entire life. And I can’t wait to tell you about it tomorrow.
Kudos to the Red Rocks security team, who did a surprisingly good job of ensuring that daytime-show-only ticketholders left.
Only suckers go back to their cars in these scenarios.
Full disclosure: I did crash hard in the back seat of Clown’s car on the drive back, but my gut tells me that this doesn’t qualify as a nap.
Is that what we should start calling non-loss-of-consh naps? Restorative eyes-closed moments? RECMs? Does differentiating them from “naps” somehow cut against our commitment to celebrating all naps, regardless of loss of consh, intention to lose consh, etc.? Talk amongst yourselves…
And this after sleeping until almost noon (Denver time) the next day. Am I proud of this? No! Believe it or not, we’re not a lazy bunch here at TND — but we also don’t hide or hide from the truth.