The other day, I hinted at an upcoming post related to your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man: this is that post. It also is the latest in our series on one of my favorite subjects: napping in public.
Spider-Man means a lot of things to a lot of people. An iconic superhero. Decades of comic books, cartoons, movies, and video games. Finger guns and awkward gyrations. Billions of dollars generated for all involved.1 I’m a fan.

Recently, I went to see the latest instalment of the franchise, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, by myself, as I’ve taken to doing of late. If I had one word to describe this movie, it would be “overwhelming.”2 The visuals were extremely intense, and as much as they made for a fun moviegoing experience, I somehow found them draining my cup, rather than filling it.
I flashed back to going to the movies with my family as a kid. My younger brother predictably fell asleep almost every time. I never understood how that could happen, as I’m a narrative junkie and tend to get pulled into any movie, often to the detriment of a good night’s sleep. But before I knew it, my eyelids were getting heavy.
Maybe it’s because I was up early that day to work out.3 Maybe it’s because I knew I wasn’t throwing $20 away.4 One thing is clear: I needed it. So I did what my body was screaming out for me to do: I shut my eyes, and darkness warshed over the Dude. It was glorious, and I don’t regret it. When people ask me what I thought of the movie, I say it was perfect.
If you ask me, he’s popular because he’s a relatable hero: sometimes, we all have to rise to the occasion, with or without the aid of a radioactive spider.
If I had two words, they would be “very overwhelming,” “sensory overload” — and I wasn’t even in a 3D or “4D” theater — or “Spidey overload” — according to one interview, there were as many as 280 webslingers in the movie.
I still need to write about my recently revamped exercise regime, though that’s sort of fallen off after my recent trip to Denver. And by “sort of,” I mean “completely.”
No idea how Regal Unlimited makes money for Cineworld — isn’t that what put MoviePass into bankruptcy in 2020? Having said that, while I wouldn’t invest in their stock, I’m glad to invest in this offering! That reminds me, I need to get out to see the new Indiana Jones movie some time soon…