We began this week with a mic drop moment that TND is the most important media outlet of 2023 because we addressed a subject later covered by GQ in what I think is a great article.1 From there, we took what looked like a hard left into covering the Sleep With Me podcast and its awesome creator, Scooter, who was kind enough to speak with me and share perspective that informed a second piece about him.
So how to wrap up this week as we head into FGF? Well, these seemingly disparate topics converged for me when Scoots himself introduced me to another podcast: Northwoods Baseball Sleep Radio.
NBSR2 is the creation of Mr. King (a.k.a. Wally McCarthy?). I’m not going to do a full workup, as the New Yorker did so admirably last summer, but to summarize, it’s been described as “baseball radio ASMR.” Arguably, this podcast could be seen as encroaching on Scoots’ territory as the leader of the “get to sleep” genre — but Scoots didn’t see it that way, saying he loves them and views them as super cool, particularly given all the work that clearly goes into it.

Scoots continues to inspire me. He’s helped me realize that there is plenty of room in the world for those who cover and celebrate sleep in all its forms. So to Matthew Roberson and the GQ team, I salute and appreciate the work you’re doing and wish you nothing but the best!3
Maybe an exaggeration, maybe not…that’s for the history books to decide!
Gotta be mindful of my word count here!
Would LOVE the opportunity to partner with you in some form or fashion!